
Spring is probably my favorite season. I know. I know. We only get about the equivalent of 2 weeks of Spring-like weather before we are hit with Summer. It’s part of the curse of living in The South.

The past few weeks, the weather has been fantastic! The Kid has enjoyed being able to go outside and play for hours, and we have been able to keep the windows at home open all day. It’s been wonderful! The fresh air and light just give my house a “homey” feeling. Skiddledeedoo has LOVED sticking her head under the window to look and sniff around. The only thing I wish is that I didn’t have to be stuck doing schoolwork so often so I could just go outside and enjoy it all. 56485634_2396346853932900_3603191598126465024_n

All of this reminds me of when I was little and Spring would arrive. Mama would open the windows. People would start working in their yards and cutting their grass again. The multitude of smells is something I doubt I will ever forget. Whenever I smell cut grass, fresh turned dirt, or random flower scents, it reminds me of sitting by my window in my room (or sitting under it outside) or of being at my grandparent’s house at the lake during the summer. So many little blips play through my mind. More than I can list. (Isn’t that weird? The way that a smell can just bring back any random memory?)

My mom gave The Kid an amaryllis for Christmas in 2017. It was so beautiful for a long time. Over the winter, it died, and I thought FOR SURE it was a goner, but I kept watering it anyway. The other day, we noticed leaves growing again! I think many people, including myself, like Spring because it’s a new beginning. You can open your windows and air out all of the “closed-in” feelings of winter and the past year. You can watch flowers you thought to be dead grow and flourish again.

This year’s Spring represents a lot to me. It IS a fresh beginning. It IS the airing out and blowing away of old. It IS growing new “flowers” on old bulbs and being new. I’m so super happy this Spring. For a little over a month now, I haven’t had any bad days. I’ve tried new things, and I have gotten rid of a fair amount of old. I have added new and fresh on top of what was already here to make it only better.



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